Wellness Works for You!
Our mission is to create a positive culture of health and wellness for UF Health employees that encourages work-life integration and promotes an optimal environment for patient healing and satisfaction.
Massage Therapy
Table massages are open and available to vaccinated employees. We have a therapist available to provide table massages for a small fee. We can also send a therapist to your department or area to provide discounted chair massages too!
Nutrition Counseling
Nutrition Counseling is available for employees at no cost via Zoom or in person to help with a variety of nutritional issues, such as meal planning, nutrition for chronic health conditions, and weight management.
Better You Strides
This program is a positive way to improve your health and earn rewards. UF Health/UFJPI employees with GatorCare must earn 500 points prior to Nov. 15 of each year to receive the wellness credit and save money on insurance premiums.
Employee Health Services
Our team is staffed by nursing professionals to meet a wide range of needs, including preemployment screening, workplace safety, and vaccine administration.
Your Employee Health Team!
Director, employee health & wellness
Tara Cornett
Office: (904) 244-9571
Employee health specialist
Martine Hyacinthe
Office: (904) 244-9595
Employee health specialist
Tammy Loya
Office: (904) 244-9570
Employee health specialist
LaToya Washington
Office: (904) 244-2117
Employee health specialist
Christine Krolak-Ralph
Office: (904) 244-9534
Employee health associate
LaCherelle Williams
Office: (904) 244-9576
Employee health Associate
Carolyn Jackson
Office: (904) 244-9573
Employee health administrative assistant
Melissa Williamson
Office: (904) 244-9576
Employee Health is located in Tower 1 on the 5th floor.
Mailing address: Tower 1, 5th floor, 580 West 8th St. Jacksonville, FL 32209
Business Hours: Monday – Friday 7am – 5pm
Main Phone: 904-244-9576
North Employee Health is located in the HR office
Mailing address: 15255 Max Leggett Pkwy, Jacksonville, FL 32218
Business Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8am – 5pm.
Main Phone: 904-427-1735
Helpful emails:
WellnessCovid19@jax.ufl.edu (for reporting and sharing COVID test info)
Meet the Wellness Team!
Manager, employee wellness
Jon Vredenburg
Office: (904) 244-9357
Dana Gardner
Office: (904) 244-9713
More Programs Just For You!
(904) 244-WELL or wellness@jax.ufl.edu / (904) 244-9576 or employeehealth@jax.ufl.edu