Employee Wellness Programs

Employee Health and Wellness always has a wide range of programs available designed to help you lead a healthy and happy life. Watch this page for ongoing updates about each of our programs, which are open to all employees! Questions? Email UF Health Wellness Manager, Jon Vredenburg

Diabetes Support Group. Connect with others living with diabetes in the Employee Wellness Team’s new monthly Zoom group. Join us on the second Tuesday of each month from 12:00pm to 12:30pm to learn healthy coping skills and problem-solving techniques led by UF Health experts. Whether you’re newly diagnosed or have been managing diabetes for years, our group offers a space for learning, encouragement, and building relationships. Register here to receive the Zoom invitation.

Intramural Sports. Employee Wellness organizes intramural sports teams as a way to boost camaraderie and promote physical activity. We currently have a corporate basketball team and a flag football team. Both of these teams are in leagues organized by the YMCA. If you would like more details about these teams, or have other sports you are interested in pursuing – please reach out to us at wellness@jax.ufl.edu.

Wellness Champions. Champions to help spread the word about employee wellness initiatives and to serve as liaisons between their department and the wellness program. Wellness Champions should have a passion for wellness and an interest in bringing wellness to their area.  All Wellness Champions must secure supervisory approval to act in this role for their department. This is a voluntary role and should not interfere with primary job duties.  Wellness Champions should expect to work approximately one to two hours per month on the responsibilities outlined below.


  • Disseminate information to employees about upcoming initiatives.
  • Encourage employee participation in wellness initiatives by coordinating on-site activities and promoting events.
  • Answer basic questions about wellness events and resources or refer employees to the wellness websites or wellness team
  • Attend recurring Wellness Champion meetings via Zoom.
  • Provide suggestions and feedback to the wellness team from employees in your area.
  • Collaborate with other Wellness Champions and the wellness team.

Register here: https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b94BOlepI4Pyg4e

Nutrition Counseling. If you want to build a healthier relationship with food but aren’t sure where to start, speak with a Registered Dietitian at no cost to you! Nutrition Counseling is available via zoom or in person (Jacksonville) to focus on nutrition and related health topics like healthy eating, meal planning, weight management, and more. About the Dietitian: With over 15 years of experience, Dana is available to empower you to make positive and sustainable changes that have a lifelong impact. She is committed to providing a supportive, transparent, and compassionate environment to assist you in taking control of your health.  Schedule your one-on-one appointment today!